It's maybe a bit situational about safety and proximity to people who reach that high level of presidential politics. Comment Example 2: “Presidents are human. They were afflicted with temporary health problems. Sometimes presidents are afflicted with serious health problems that do not pass. Even when they're serious, that's usually not what defines them or their presidency. » Commentary Example 3: "We've evolved dramatically over time in what we expect to know about the bodily health of our presidents and presidential candidates, and it's -- it's inconvenient and probably disturbing for them, but also important.
And we're at a point now in terms of our traditions and our experience and our expectations as a country where I think - I think the principle that applies is that the more there is to worry about, the more there is the health of the candidate or that of the president, the more raster to vector conversion disclosure is warranted to alleviate those concerns. » Often on these types of news shows, you'll see a segment end with the host interviewing an authority, expert, or panel of "experts" to get their thoughts and opinions on the story. Although it did not happen in this case, it is a popular format.
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